How great to see you all!!!
Damian loved the rocket story, nice work!!💚
Paula shows her last book review..thank you sweetie!!💕

Adrián has coloured our vocabulary flower!, nice!!!😍

Claudia shows her book review on "Dad, can you do this?"..lovely!!💕

Here is Nico, from 1ºA, with this week's homework, thank you Nico!👌

And Vera, from 1º A, happy to show her dragon and poem!!Cool!!!

Here is Claudia, from 1º A, showing her work from today, great work!

And today we have Pablo, from 1ºA, showing his dragon design!!!!✌

Here is lovely Hugo B. from 1ºA with his dragon design, thanks a lot!!😍

Today, Mario Trueba, from 1ºA, is posing with his Easter craft, so good to see you Mario!!💚

Today, Valentina Agüero, from 1ºB, sends her support to those in the hospital, thanks Valentina!😍

Here it is Sofía E. from 1ºA..what a cute drawing!!💚

Today we have Sergio, 1ºB!, lovely to see you!!

Here we are Elisa, 1ºA!!!..I love your drawings Elise!💚

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